Safety First!
Security is important to us at the Atalaia Diving Center, therefore some information for all our divers:
On the first dive for our liability and for the safety of our guests we always do two exercises:
– Mask Flooded
– Out of Air situation
Every diver should be able to perform them.
Decompression Chamber
The next decompression chamber
The 12 people HAUX-decompression chamber is just 10 km away from our Dive Center, at the hospital in Funchal the capital of Madeira, and provides 24h emergency service.
Oxygen in the Diving Center and on our Boat
We dispose of 2 oxygen units. Both with option for demand and free flow.
A complete first aid set is stored in the Dive Center as well and on the boat. We also have a well sorted help-yourself pharmacy at hand to help with all the little complaints you could suffer from when diving or doing other activities with us.
Diving fitness examination (DFE)
Liability-juridical and insurance-technical security for the dive-shop and yourself, must be legally demanded and presented at the dive-shop!
Further information, physicians and downloads can be found on the following page:
Besides we recommend a diving liability insurance for every diver. On the following sites you can find helpful information: